Tugboat Logic

Video: Get Ready for GDPR

A one-minute introduction to GDPR – and how Tugboat Logic can help you get ready.

GDPR Requirements for US Startups

Does It Apply to You? Since the EU rolled out the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) last year, large enterprises have been scrambling to reduce the risk of non-compliance associated with the new privacy regulations. But you may be wondering: How does GDPR affect small and medium US-based companies and startups? Should You Be Worried? GDPR Requirements for US Startups

Keep Your InfoSec Policy Evergreen

While collaborating on a Mission College (MC2IT) Security and Privacy Board meeting a few years ago, another board member and I were discussing the challenges of managing an information security program and how we can get more students involved in security and to get more people involved in managing an organization’s security policies. He said Keep Your InfoSec Policy Evergreen

Data Privacy and Risk in a Post-GDPR World: Trends and Best Practices

While there is no official certification process for compliance with the GDPR, this new law requires that you document, operationalize and implement policies, procedures, controls to protect your client’s privacy and their data. Tugboat Logic helps you demonstrate accountability to the GDPR mandates with purpose-built controls, tools, dashboards and reports that give you a real-time Data Privacy and Risk in a Post-GDPR World: Trends and Best Practices

How CFOs Can Leverage GDPR to Increase Value

Everybody’s heard about the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but many erroneously think it’s just another “IT issue”. On the financial end, stiff penalties could severely cut into a company’s bottom line. The insightful CFO, however, sees compliance to be a value investment instead of an IT budget line item. For forward-thinking CFOs, it’s How CFOs Can Leverage GDPR to Increase Value